
Welcome to Oliver’s Tree Service

The tree life chose us.
Watch Greg cheat death :)

Obstacles? No problem.
We specialize in high difficulty jobs, that are very dangerous.
Tree Felling
Annual Trimming

We climb. Plain and simple. The higher, the better. No bucket trucks, cherry pickers, jet packs, fire trucks, or wishful thinking. Just ropes, muscles, and brains.
We are equipped and experienced to take down all manner of trees, from all manner of positions. On the ground or in the air, it doesn’t matter. We can take down any tree, except for a healthy one. We don’t do that.
Around every two years, most trees in residential areas should be trimmed, thinned, or pruned, in order to remove dead, crisscrossing, and unnecessary branches to ensure efficient growth. Most trees don’t need much (usually around 20-30%) every few years, so long as they haven’t been neglected for too long. Whichever the case may be, we can help you.
Storm Damage
Canopy Raising

Every so often a storm will break a few branches, or an entire tree. Whatever the case may be, you can count on us to clean things up for you. Don’t worry; we’re very careful!
If you have a tree with difficult branches that, if were cut, would absolutely hit something, then in order for those branches to be removed (if they had to), they need to be rigged. This is when a rope is tied to the limb to be cut, and passed over a higher point in the tree, or “rigged”. A man on the ground takes care of the rope as the limb is cut, after which he may safely and slowly lower it to the ground, without hitting anything. This is an essential skill for any arborist.
If trees are growing near obstacles or buildings, sometimes the canopies need raising. This helps prevent branches from growing into things and causing problems, like power lines.
Log Bucking
Branch Pickup
Winter Work

Bucking is the action of cutting logs perpendicularly to the direction of growth. This is usually an essential process in the taking away or processing of the wood. We are equipped to buck logs of all sizes, and we possess the largest chainsaw in production, in case you were wondering!
We are (un)happy* to offer branch pickup service, so you can rest easy knowing you won’t have to wait for the city to come pick up the branches from your project.
*Branch pickup is the worst job
Did you know that trees can be cut all winter? It’s true, they can. But the other guys don’t do it because they’re lazy, or ill-equipped. We are neither, as we work all year round.
Branches Near Power Lines
We're Actually Ninjas
What Makes Us Special?

Often, trees will have limbs and branches growing near, over, in, and around power, cable, phone, and other types of lines. We take care of all of that, and will also let you know if your job should qualify for a specialized repair from the Hydro company.
Sometimes an arborist isn't enough and it takes a ninja.
We have an extremely experienced, thorough, professional, and knowledgeable overseer with extremely high standards. His name is Oliver and he likes to make surprise appearances on job sites to make sure that everything is up to par.
No project is too big or small for Oliver’s Tree Service. Get in touch today for an initial consultation.

We can even put trees back up.

We avidly avoid obstacles every day.
Watch more at youtube.com/gregberdebes
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